Strengthening MSME Resilience for a Climate-Resilient Tomorrow


Panel Dis­cus­sion on the 2nd Decem­ber 2024

Did you know micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) produce up to 40% of GDP in developing countries and 50% of global employment? MSMEs form the backbone of the global economy, but they remain highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change Improving the climate resilience of MSMEs therefore remains a critical issue not only for local communities, but also for global supply chain resilience.

Together with representatives of Generali, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and the Voice of German Industry (BDI), we reflected on the Generali / UNDP partnership and discussed best practices for how to ensure climate resilience on local and global levels. The evening was moderated by Conny Czymoch.

Climate Risk

The climate crisis poses an often-underestimated threat: if vulnerable MSMEs collapse, the cascading consequences could destabilize both local markets and global supply chains.

Nicole Heidemeyer, Board Member of Generali Deutschland Group & Chief Operating Officer of Cosmos Direct, emphasized the importance of financial resilience in overcoming the risks associated with climate disasters.

Jan Kellet, Global and Corporate Lead on the UNDP’s Insurance & Risk Finance Facility (IRFF), echoed this sentiment, highlighting that "the world of small businesses and value chains are inseparable.” He argued that the international system has not invested enough in building the financial resilience of MSMEs.

But global value chains are not exclusively at risk from climate disasters, as Cedric von der Hellen, BDI Senior Manager, pointed out. We are in a period of “polycrisis”: geopolitical shifts, protectionist policies, and climate change all intersect.

Collaboration is the key

To address the challenges faced by MSMEs, the BMZ advocates for a comprehensive climate risk management approach. But not all risks can be reduced to zero. As Dirk Meyer, Head of Directorate-General for Multilateral Development Policy, Transformation and Climate at the BMZ, explained, climate and disaster risk finance instruments (so-called CDRFI initiatives) are essential to help MSMEs deal with non-avoidable losses. Germany supports several projects in this area.

Increasing climate resilience of MSMEs requires a comprehensive and collaborate approach.

Dirk Meyer

Head of Directorate-General for Multilateral Development Policy, Transformation and Climate, BMZ

The Generali - UNDP partnership

Generali and the UNDP are doing their part to help MSMEs navigate the growing threat of climate-related risks. The partnership develops innovative insurance solutions, tools, and research which help MSMEs build financial resilience.

Lauren Carter, Deputy Team Lead at the UNDP IRFF, and Mirko Sartori, Chief Insurance Officer International at the Generali Group discussed the partnership’s learning opportunities.

Most pressingly, there is a huge protection gap in the market: according to the World Bank, only 5% of annual losses from disasters are covered by insurance in developing countries. Loss-prevention frameworks and tools for independent risk assessment must be made accessible so MSMEs can ensure their financial resilience independently.

In Malaysia, Generali and the UNDP have implemented these measures, helping to stabilise vulnerable businesses. If preventative measures are not taken, warned Mirko Satori, insurance premiums could skyrocket – and insurers could even withdraw from vulnerable markets completely.


Melanie Hauenstein, Director of the UNDP Representative Office in Berlin, concluded the evening with a call to action: public-private partnerships and insurance risk solutions are key to building the financial resilience of MSMEs – and therefore key for ensuring stable global value chains.

Even if it might not seem obvious, the UNDP and Generali have a shared goal: to reduce risk. The partnership builds on these principles, for the betterment of everyone involved.

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